What do people in China use when searching for information on the Internet?
The top ranked Chinese search engine is called Baidu.
You can read up on Baidu on Investopedia in this March 2021 updated profile: Definition and History of Baidu.
Learn 25 Things You Didn’t Know About Baidu in this 2019 article from Search Engine Journal. Well, you might already know some of the 25 things listed… but did you that 90% of online search queries done in China are done through Baidu?
In addition to providing results to search queries, Baidu maintains an encyclopedia style compilation of information in Chinese on Baike Baidu.
Wikipedia says of Baike Baidu:
“Baidu Baike (Chinese: 百度百科; pinyin: Bǎidù Bǎikē; translation: Baidu Encyclopedia) is a Chinese language collaborative Web-based encyclopedia provided by the Chinese search engine Baidu. The test version was released on April 20, 2006, and within three weeks, the encyclopedia had grown to more than 90,000 articles, surpassing that of Chinese Wikipedia. The encyclopedia censors in accordance with the requirements of the Chinese government”.